I looked out of the plane on the way to Florida and decided clouds look pretty darn cool from above.

Miami was beautiful, humid but beautiful.

Of course, my companion was the most beautiful thing on the entire trip. Here he is wearing a tag saying when it was our turn to get on this little tug to get us to Half Moon Kay.

Oh YA....sun, surf, no responsibilities, and a very sexy man...life is good!

Notice the chef behind us...they were going on to the island to cater our lunch. I didn't have to cook!!!! I love vacations.

I am actually in the Bahamas.....
YAY!!! I have always wanted to go to the Bahamas and well I'm here.

When we first got to the island there was a little gift store area....

This sign told us how far we were from everyone else. It was nice to know I was on an island with John WITHOUT interruptions.

Half Moon Kay was GLORIOUS. It was everything I dreamed of. Out on the horizon was our ship.

The sand was so fine and white. We search all over for a rock to bring home to mom and dad and needless to say there wasn't one in sight. Doesn't John look hot? It was toasty!

The water was so warm and clear, bluer than any water I have ever seen before.

Hurricane Irene chased us off course so we ended up in Grand Turk with another ship. I thought it was cool seeing these ships side by side. Ours is on the left.

Here we are on another boat going to see sting rays.

This is the island we went to....the water looks like a pool, huh?

This is a sting ray they called Princess. Here the guide is showing us her barb.

This is Princess holding me. We got so comfortable with each other we kissed. She was so soft and smooth. What a rush. John kissed her too!

The island of Grand Turk was discovered when the astronauts splashed down right next to it.

Dining was fabulous probably because I was there with the love of my life. The people at our table were super neat.... they had gotten married the day before they got on the ship and were cute together. Almost as cute as us!!!!!

Here John had found a baby live conch. We showed a bunch of kids it and then put it back. We had the opportunity to eat a larger one, while visiting Grand Turk, it tasted like cooked lobster. John didn't like it but I did.

Chips and salsa! What more can I say? Oh ya, guacamole!!

We had so much fun. I didn't want the sun to go down on the last day...everything was so fantastic. I hope we can do it soon cause there would be nothing more rewarding than another day in paradise.
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