Thursday, February 17, 2011

Winter flowers

There is absolutely nothing better than a gorgeous bouquet of flowers in the middle of winter. This is a dozen roses John got me for Valentines day.
This is my Christmas cactus. This picture was taken on the same day as the one of the roses, cool huh? I love my Christmas cactus! Flowers in the dead of winter make your heart


When A'leese left as abruptly as she did it was crushing! That's when I made a resolution to become strong.... to help my family be strong. I decided I needed to work on all areas of personal strength; spiritual, mental (knowledge), physical, and of course emotional. As soon as I made these goals our loving Heavenly Father sent the missionaries to our home. This is Elder Hanes teaching Johnny how to do a "Tim-Tam Slam".
Here is Elder Taylor on the guitar with Elder Hanes and Johnny in the background. We have enjoyed having them in our home. I publicly thank Heavenly Father for knowing our hearts and supplying answers to prayers. Thank you Elders for hearing the sweet whisperings of the spirit. You will always have a special place in our hearts... you brought the spirit to our home at the right time, YOU ROCK!