But tucked away in my rock wall is this one sunflower amidst all kinds of adverse conditions. The first condition it faces is it's seed was blown into a place where flowers don't always survive. Next it has to force it's way to the sunshine through the massive shadowing of the boulders. Finally, it struggles for water. Yet after all this it blossoms into a glorious site. This small little flower has beaten the odds and is worth taking note of. Just like my niece Miranda. She has been blown way out of her field of comfort. She no longer is part of a field of peers that she knows and could grow with. Winds come but the boulders (her family) protect and keep her from the storm. The greatest blessing of all is Heavenly Father is looking over her like the sun, warming her heart helping her stretch. Like this sunflower reaches up towards the sun, she is reaching towards Him. Hence, this is my special moment with this simple sunflower. God bless you "Roo" in all that you do! I love you.