Natalie and her Grandparents
Natalie took the opportunity to interview Grandpa Stokes the other day. She had a assignment in school where she was to interview a veteran so of course, she chose Grandpa. During the interview I had one of those A-ha moments. You know the kind when someone says something you had never thought of before and it amazes you. Natalie asked Grandpa about boot camp and how he felt about it. His response was it was, " GREAT, people treated you like a person". Wow, I am glad Grandpa made it through his childhood, even though it was tough, so he could be a kid with us when we were growing up! Thanks DAD!
When I look at this picture I think of two very overwhelming things how beautiful the poppies are and how gratiful I am for such a fantastic mom and daughter! Grandma is so much fun... the kids can't get enough of her. Truthfully, I don't think any of us can. She make nature and everything about it the miracle it should be. Anyone who can breath wonder into a rock is an amazing person~ Grandma you are Great~
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