Easter weekend turned out a whole lot better than I imagined. Mom and Dad came over and we created masterpieces.

Everyone took the time to really make an egg extra spectacular.

Natalie always has attitude that is contagious...what would we do without her smile? Or tongue?

Almost everyone had an accident with an egg. John was no exception. He dropped his from a standing position.

Dad selected color
with a splash of glitter.

K'Lee was our champion
egg dropper. She had the
all time record for
most dropped this

Grandma had the most....
well, ahhhh
The most CREATIVE? okay
The most into her work :)

A'leese and Natalie
have grown to love
each other so much.
It is an awesome sight
to see these to respect and
need each other so much.
Does a mothers heart good.

Johnny. He did the most
"interpretive egg" of the group.
What would we do without our
After we colored eggs we made
a fantastic Easter Dinner.
Ham, yummy potatoes,
fresh asparagus, and "Vonda rolls".
For dessert we had razzleberry pie
and vanilla ice cream. Talk
about a meal fit for a king.
Of course, we are doing it in remembrance of OUR KING.
Thank you Jesus, we love you.