We had the Ropers over for our annual Christmas party. We had crackers, cheese, and playful pretzels. Then we had dinner and after, to top it all off, we had a Chocolate fountain. We share the holidays with the Ropers in a way that we only can with them. They are some of our favorite people in the whole entire world. Christmas wouldn't be the same without the Ropers! We LOVE you tons!!!!

Yum. . . . . A chocolate

Introducing the Ropers to a chocolate
fountain was one of the highlights of the evening. Only rule NO FLIPPING CHOCOLATE!!! Established mostly for me...grin.
K'Lee and Misti enjoyed it so much they ended up wearing as much chocolate as they ate.

Zach was so excited with the chocolate
fountain his eyes stayed big the entire time he used it.

The Ropers gave me stuff for my bath. I love my bath.

We swapped gifts. Misti got make up and exchanged it for a barbie type doll.

Brandon got a 20 question game and is obviously thinking hard about what to ask it.

Johnny got a belt and put it on right away.

Whitney got a hat and did the same thing as Johnny...put it on.

"Zach attach" got a huge bag of candy
cuz Aunt Karrie felt bad about him losing all of his
Halloween Candy out of his sack when trick or treating.

John getting to relax a minute at the Christmas party.

Brandon giving us a special treat by playing
A'leese's guitar and singing. Brandon has such a deep rich voice. It was a gift having him preform. Thanks I3eeje.

A'leese you've never looked so good. NOT!

Good thing we are all family.... this even scares me.

Joe and me. Joe has grown to be such a special person in my life. My brother. My friend. I love you Joe. Thanks for the unconditional love you give me. You are the best!
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