1. He is kind.
2. He always puts me first.
3. He honors his priesthood.
4. He can fix anything, even my heart.
5. He never lets me give up.
6. You can count on him.
7. He is a good father.
8. He gives all that he has to his family.
9. He looks good in 501's. . . . . .and even better out of them.
10. His eyes sparkle when he looks at me.
11. He has NEVER let a day go by where he hasn't told me he loves me.
12. He looks Great in a beard and mustache.
13. He makes me laugh.
14. I like the person I am when I am with him.
15. He is ticklish.
16. He respects womanhood.
17. He has a firm testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
18. He ALWAYS choose the right.
19. He loves my parents almost as much as I do.
20. He lifts me when I don't think I can go one more moment.