On September 11
th we took a four wheel ride up to Camp
Cumorah, up Willard Peak Road. When we got there we had lunch.

The ride was beautiful...we saw a couple of moose and lots of gorgeous terrain. The day was breath taking. The sun was shining but there was just a hint of an
autumn breeze in the air. My mind kept reflecting to the anniversary of this particular day and how
grievous the circumstances were seven short years ago. Life is precious. Things can change in an
instant, but for here and now it was
serene, uplifting, and
remarkably spiritual. If you ever wonder if there is a God take a walk in the mountains.

My father, "the great white hunter", found a long stick that looked like a rifle....so I laided down and pretended to be a dead deer. What a bunch of dorks!!!

On the way home we took a side path and where we could see Mantua tucked away safe in the mountians. What a beautiful view it was from up there.

Of course, while we were at Camp Cumorah we had to take a "remote". We stratigically placed the camera on a rock on the four wheeler, dad pressed the button, then sprinted to the designated location, and after all this work proceeded to hide behind mom.... why didn't he just take the picture if he was just going to hide in it anyway?
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