The party was a success with camping as the theme. Brittany and
K'Lee are enjoying a
marshmallow cooked over the campfire.

John and Morgan on the back porch.

Cameron and Heidi after the marker war eating a

Alexis and Jessica were startled by
K'Lee's quiet

Gabby, Morgan, and Kara all enjoying our newly dug fire pit.

Gabby helping
K'Lee with her presents....I think she feels LOVED!
Charidy made herself a
zombie with the markers. You really looked the best Char!

Natalie decorated Cameron.

Kara looks extra special in her funky eyes drawn on her lids.

Morgan decided to be a tiger and now is drawing on someone else. I love the fact they get so creative with the markers. It's a fun activity.

Happy Birthday
K'Lee we sure do love you, you amazing little girl. We love all of the special things you bring to our family, your love, your happiness, and your tender caring for the little creatures in this world. Never change...... you are amazing!