They grow up to minute it's cool outside and the next your on the beach at Bear Lake. Then they are driving and have jobs. It goes by to quickly. But the memories and experiences they give us along the way are priceless. They are the moments in our lives that make it all worth living. Every smile, every tear, every triumph is what it's all about. I am just glad I have been able to be but a small part of such an awesome journey!!!!!
We waited in line for four hours to see the Declaration of Independence. It was one of those times you will always remember but never want to experience again. We made a lot of friends as we played bingo, danced, pitched pennies, and conversed with everyone around us in line. It was an amazing moment to look upon this two hundred and thirty two year old document and know that all of the men who were there that night signed their death warrant for the birth of liberty for us all. I personally salute all the men, women, and children who have given the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy the freedoms of our nation. I pray God will countinue to bless and watch over this great country.
We had so much fun.... We rode the four wheeler all over the place. We fished gum out of whip cream, we tye-dyed, we played in the water, we looked for gold, we even found a "Stokes" use for melted chocolate. But more than anything we got a little closer...and had a ton of fun. I think it was a success... I Love Being A member of such a fantastic family!!!
Having K'Lee in our lifes has made life a lot more interesting. She looks out for the little things in life. According to K'Lee even stuffed animals have feelings. She is warm, sensitive, and a termendous amount of fun! We love her and hope for another ten great years.
... This is one of the activities that the girls came up with on their own Princess on parade at the park. They all looked so cute in their dress up. Had to love it.
Markers are so much fun in the hands of the creative... this is an activity that is amazingly fun. All the girls played with markers for almost an hour. Even Johnny and I had to get in on the fun! Bet you can't tell who we are... The top left is Heidi and K'Lee, on the top right is Heidi, Kyilee, K'Lee, Charidy, Misti, and Jessica (she had already wiped hers off). Charidy is next to Johnny aka Batman and I aka Joker, and Natalie is our frenchman. Need I say we had a blast.
Angel just had five new babies early Sunday morning. We've decided to name them stupid names in hopes of getting a little less attached. Their names are Icky, Puddin', Moget, Doof-Doof, and Tubby. It sure is exciting to watch as new life comes into this world.