Monday, September 12, 2011

The family graduation party for Miranda and Johnny---- Yay!!! Class of 2011

It was Johnny's year to celebrate! The class of 2011 graduated in June.
And we threw a party for Miranda and Johnny right after the graduation ceremony. Miranda is the one pictured here being consumed by her little sister Cierra.
We partied every which way....
We went to a mexican resturant in Brigham City.... and tore it up.
We were so in your face happy it wasn't even funny!

We hugged and kissed each other.....

and some of us snarled...cuz that's what we do....

We were just down right ecstatic .

We were proud......

and amusing......

We hung from the ceiling.....and swung from the chandeliers...

It was GOOD.

There is absolutely no doubt about it....IT WAS GOOD!

It was so good it left some of us wondering what to do next....guess we will see when Natalie graduates in 2014......

1 comment:

Miranda said...

..and some of us decided to find out how obnoxious we could be by making crazy faces in as many pictures as possible! What an AMAZING day spent with some AMAZING people! I love you guys! :)