Friday, November 14, 2008


Gratitude, A very brilliant friend of mine recently added an addition to her blog specifically addressing the gratitude she has for the simple things in life. Ever since I have read it I can't stop thinking about all of the things I am grateful for. So indulge me a moment, by letting me express to you these things for which I am ever indebted.

I am most thankful for the relationship I have with my family and friends- these are the people who keep loving me when I forget to love myself, for my health- that is continually reminding me it is a gift, for the freedoms I enjoy living in this country- due to those who paid the price, and for my knowledge-which as it grows lets me know I know little.

To everyone who frequents this blog I am also thankful to you for listening to my heart and giving me this voice. I am forever obliged to God for all I have. So this time of year be like my dear friend and look to the small things...write them down if needs be. You'll be surprised at the treasures you will find when you look.