Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day 2010

The best part of mothers day is always seeing my mom. She is such an ispiration to me. I LOVE YOU MOM, you are the best...... and Watching my kids get along! I love being a mom to these guys!!!! They are my everything.


From the very beginning of our adventure to .........
the very end.... it was a GREAT DAY!!!!!!
We started at the Salt Lake City Library This is a picture riding the elevator. It had mirrors on the ceiling, how cool is that?
We reflected on the tragedy of the people in the Holocaust. We did so through the eyes of a young girl named Anne Frank.
As we read from the pages of her diary it was difficult to hold back the tears! She was such an strong girl. The exhibit was set up so we could read the time line of the events the German party was involved in at the same time of her life and her thoughts.
Next it was off to the Hansen Planetarium to see the Hubble in 3D. My girls look so super stunning in their eye wear, don't they?
I am so in love with the man behind those glasses. It was neat to see the finished product of all the work that so many men and women (I know) do. I am proud of you guys. The Hubble is an amazing invention and so is the way it gets into space....The images that come from the Hubble are incredible!!!! I had never seen space like that.
That's right Johnny and I had a pair of our own. What a view! We actually saw back in time before the earth was even created!?
K'Lee decided to give us a news report....she did quite well I have to say.
Teasing doesn't stop on Mars.... Heck it doesn't stop any where or any time.
See I have proven my point, or I should say they have proven my point!
Now we are running in slow space-like motion across the surface of moon.

We jumped for joy as we landed on the moon.
We enjoyed the beautiful flowers at temple square.
Reflecting on a lot of things and nothing.
We just flat enjoyed ourselves.
We ate at the Lion House and yes Vonda's rolls are better.
Like mother like daughter?
Me and my kids.
This is one of my favorite pics of the day... they took off around the reflective pond and they did it in order of age.... cool huh?
I am glad these two love each other as much as they do. They are such good friends.
This was at the Brigham Young park. Beautiful huh? A'leese took this picture right before she realized she had lost her phone. After some praying and a few tears we found it! Thank heavens for prayer.