Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hunting for Asparagus

John's being our sexy Asparagus hunter.... or at least attempting at it.
Natalie is supervising Grandpa while he picks!
Now that's SEXY!!!
Here we are closer to the end of the hunt chewing on our bounty.
I found a *"glory hole" and wasn't about to let anyone else pick from my spot.
A'leese and Grandpa found a good spot even though a lot of the asparagus had gone to seed.
A'leese, Natalie, and K'Lee walking along the canal banks out by Elwood. It was a beautiful day.
K'Lee showing off her loot. We got a grand total of seven bags full...

It was fun.... Grandma and Grandpa always make Asparagus hunting awesome! Thanks for sharing the best spots with us. The only thing missing was Johnny:(
*Glory Hole; is what we call an area loaded with ripe, perfect to pick asparagus.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Brigham Town Musicians (a play)

Robber one(K'Lee) and robber two(Alyssa) discussing whether or not they should go back into the house they were scared from because of ghosts.
The animals coming straight at the audience brought out one of the best lines from the play. As they plunged forward Bruce (Cierra's grandpa) said, "Here they come!" and the whole audience laughed:)
K'Lee and Cierra were the best! Both had their lines down and they were the superstars of the night. THEY made us proud!!!

Young to Old love... what a gift.

I recently came across this picture of my mother and fathers wedding. They were married forty six years ago, in 1962.
It amazes me how some people can make it through lives storms, together. Anyone who has been married (even for a short time) knows that success in a relationship doesn't just happen. It takes a great deal of work, patience, love, and LONG SUFFERING. I just want to say thank you to all those couples who have gone before me and have shown me that the pay off is worth the price. Mom and Dad your love and loyalty to one another has been an inspiration to those of us looking on. THANK YOU for your example of true love!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Way to go Pam!!!

This is the moment that Pam had waited and worked for, for over a course of twenty years!
She was so happy it was spectacular. I couldn't be prouder of her.
The energy and enthusiasm in during the commencement made me long for the day when it will be my turn. A'leese assured me she would bring her husband and two kids on that day :)