Blacksmith fork Canyon is one of those places we read about in fairy tales where boys get lost... and mermaids sunbath on rocks! Its a place where everything from weddings to funerals can take place. You can let your hair down or wear it straight up on your head. Garth Brooks, AC/DC, and Disney music all share our hearts and ears. We have preformed skits, made atrium's for crawdads, filled tents with butterflies, and of course paraded down the river in every way imaginable. Blacksmith Fork Canyon is a remarkable place where you can forget about the troubles of the world for but a moment and bask in the glory of living. Anyone who has been to "the Canyon" knows exactly what I am talking about. I want to say thank you to all of the people who made this place what it is to me because without you it wouldn't be the magical place it is. To Gary Lynn my childhood buddy....for all the stars we counted in the nights sky. To Shaela and all the girls birthday trips and moments only we will ever understand. To A'leese who was the first of my children I shared the canyon with at 10 days old. To the friends I have lost (Shauna and Steve) to the friends I haven't (the rest of the Ropers) the memories of us will always be with me.......and Blacksmith is a big part of those memories. To Jana Jacobson, Janna Stanford, Pam Sanders, Katy Wendell, Kim Howard and all the other friends who have had just a slice of this, my place, I thank you. To my brother Dan and the truth or dare we played. To my sweetheart, John who I feel in love with there...and most of all to all of the children who without you this place would just be another place I say thank you...thank you for letting me be a small part of your magic. Thank you for giving me a taste of the joy you see in the small things that as grown ups we forget make the world worth living. This picture of my sweet niece Cierra captures the peace you all bring to the canyon. I love you "Carmin' Charmin"......thanks for playing word search with me! Thanks to Johnny and Zak who complement each other better than any dynamic duo I have ever seen. I got Johnny back with the dog pile.....I still owe you Zak. I will get you my friend the next time we go to the canyon.....
i love the canyon and all of the people that i meet there. the fun times are not over... infact they have but begain. I loved falling in love with things that i never thought that i would up there, and i so agree with jjcc, amen amen, amen amen amen!
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